Project Commissioning Administration Services

Watts and Associates offers Project Commissioning Administration Services to assist our clients with the task of successfully commission their construction project using a third party commissioning agent.

Project Commissioning Administration Services include:

Third Party Commissioning Agent Procurement. At the request of the client Watts and Associates will manage the procurement of the third party commissioning agent. This includes:

  • Assist client in pre-qualifying firms to participate in the commissioning request for proposal.
  • Establish commissioning scope of work.
  • Issuing commissioning request for proposal.
  • Receiving responses, along with the client, to the request for proposals
  • Review each request for proposal response for completeness regarding scope.
  • Recommend third party commissioning agent to client for award

Project Commissioning Management. It is important for the commissioning process to be initiated early in the project.  Watts and Associates will manage the project commissioning process. This includes:

  • Establishing commissioning deliverables and responsibilities for Levels 1, 2 and 3 documentation.
  • Establishing schedule for all commissioning activities including:
    • Commissioning plan and script review.
    • Re-occurring commissioning stratus update meetings.
    • Delivery of Levels 1, 2 and 3 documentation.
    • Level 4 Functional System Testing
    • Level 5 Integrated System Testing
    • Delivery of final commissioning report.
  • Assembling Commissioning Documentation for Levels 1, 2 and 3 for use during Levels 4 and 5 testing.
  • Managing commissioning daily deficiency reports and retesting as required.
  • Managing Level 4 functional system tests.
  • Managing Level 5 Integrated system test.

Management of final commissioning report. This includes:

  • Commissioning Plan.
  • Level 1 Factory Witness Testing reports factory testing reports for all provided equipment.
  • Level 2 Receipt, installation, post-installation check reports
  • Level 3 Functional component testing reports including:
    • Equipment start up reports.
    • Megger testing records.
    • Torque logs.
    • Test and Balance Reports.
    • Final breaker coordination/short circuit study.
    • Breaker test reports
    • Installation Verification Forms
  • Level 4 Functional system test reports.
  • Level 5 Integrated system test reports.