
WA offer a full range of services to assist clients in the delivery of programs, projects and assignments. Our services include:

Site Assessment and Due Diligence.
It is important for clients, when considering either a greenfield site or an existing building, WA can provide or manage all services associated with determining a site’s suitability including:

1. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Requirements
2. Fiber Access
3. Civil Restrictions and Surveys
4. Hazardous Material Review
5. Structural Review
6. Architectural Review
7. MEP Review
8. Geotechnical Reports
9. Conceptual Estimating
10. Scheduling
11. Municipality Traffic, Power and Infrastructure Reviews
12. Risk Assessment

It is important to perform the pre-construction process of any program, project or assignment effectively to ensure the project is planned for success. WA can provide or manage all services associated with the pre-construction process including:

1. Site Assessment and Due Diligence
2. Budgeting and Estimating At All Design Progress Phases
3. Management of the Project Delivery Team
4. Management of Meetings Where Required
5. Presentation Materials For Project Status
6. Value Engineering
7. Power and Water Usage Effectiveness Design Goals
8. Identification of Long Lead Equipment Choices and Purchasing
9. Identification of Design, Construction and Commissioning Partners Including Request for Proposal, Firm Interview, Proposal Levelling and Award Recommendation
10. Determination of Permit Requirements and Process For All Permits Required

Conceptual Estimating.
Utilizing current and historical cost information, WA can provide a turnkey, all inclusive conceptual estimate for project planning, budgeting, financing and decision making. Providing a turnkey conceptual estimate includes:

1. General Conditions/Requirements
2. Supervision
3. Civil, Site work, Site Utilities
4. Special Inspections and Testing
5. Demolition
6. Landscaping and Fencing
7. Concrete
8. Masonry
9. Structural
10. Wood and Plastics
11. Roofing and Insulation
12. Caulking and Sealants
13. Doors, Windows and Glass
14. Finishes
15. Specialties
16. Signage
17. Equipment, Contractor Provided or OFCI
18. On Site Security
19. Elevators
20. Mechanical/HVAC
21. Plumbing
22. Fire Protection
24. Security
25. Fire Alarm
26. Electrical
27. Fiber Entrance/Distribution
28. Furnishings
29. Design Services
30. Permit Fees
31. Fees, Insurance and Taxes
32. Special Remodel Taxes
33. Commissioning
34. Client Consultants
35. Project Specific Client Costs
36. Location Modifiers
37. Cash Flow Analysis
38. Phasing Cost Including Cost Increase Modifiers
39. Owner Provided Equipment

Estimating and Scheduling.
In addition to conceptual estimating, pre-construction estimating and scheduling, WA can manage or provide estimating and scheduling services to include:

1. Estimate and Schedule For Internal Clients Approval. Either Produced By WA or Review of Estimate and Schedule Produced By Contractor or a Separate Service Provider.
2. Updating The Schedule During The Project
3. Updating The Project Budget and Financial Status
4. Providing or Reviewing Estimates For Owner Requested Changes During a Project

Vendor, Design and Build Management.
WA can manage all vendors, design and construction professionals as consultant agent of behalf of our clients. Services can include:

1. Identification of Qualified Firms
2. Conduct Pre-Proposal Interviews
3. Issuance of request For Proposal (RFP)
4. Communicate RFP Updates and Addenda
5. Receive, Analyze and Level Proposals
6. Conduct Post Proposal Interviews
7. Recommend Award
8. Participate in Design Meetings
9. Participate In Project Update Meetings
10. Review and Analyze Estimates and Schedules
11. Provide Design and Value Engineering Review, Comments and Suggestions During Design Phase
12. Manage Design Construction Administration During Construction
13. Review Client Requested Change Orders
14. Manage Contract and Purchase Order Process With Vendors
15. Manage Project Close Out and Commissioning Phases
16. Ensure Vendor Safety Programs Are Effectively Managed
17. Ensure Vendor Quality Assurance Programs Are Effectively Managed
18. Ensure Vendor Financial and Schedule Management reporting is Effectively Managed
19. Review and Approve Vendor Invoices. Ensure Proper Backup and Lien Releases Are Submitted
20. Ensure Required Insurance For All Vendors and Lower Tier Vendors is Submitted